Chella – Sacrificer

Chella – Sacrificer Mp3 Download
Download this new song Chella – Sacrificer, this track Sacrificer is making waves quickly becoming a global anthem.
Chella is making waves with his latest single, “Sacrificer” This sensational music artist is quickly becoming a household name.
Following the success of his previous releases, Chella is proving himself to be a force to be reckoned with in the music industry.
With its memorable lyrics and groovy melody, this song is sure to remain a fan favorite for a long time to come.
Download and share Sacrificer by Chella
Quotable Lyrics:
Life ee don teach me what I don’t know
No be paper, no be with biro
Waaiiiooo waaiiooo
All of my friends turning to my foes
Just because I no follow their road
If I want to admit it, say I no get shishi
I’ll be spinning it around in my brain
To speak it, I’ll be shivering, shivering
To talk, say my account balance ee don
broke again
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